Monday, 17 September 2012

squeezing in stuff..

its that time of day, just enough time to want to start something..not enough time before school pick up..
I planted potatoes today - dug my trenches, tossed in the seed spuds and gently covered them in their warm blankie of sunny earth.
I'm dreaming of jersey bennies at christmas this year, some for us and some as gifts..Yum!
..turned around to find chooks were de-bugging the landscape with considerable enthusiasm and hurling of earth..
As long as the spuds stay in there we'll be fine, but the minute I find a spud on the path its chook lock-up time!
Hoping to get my peas in the ground too, may enlist child labour for that as we all know those peas will never make it to the house and if you're going to eat it like candy well you may as well plant it.
Its the simple pleasures we squeeze into our days that make it all feel good, a whole cup of hot tea, a fresh slice of bread, the sun on my back as I muck out the lawn ornaments, laughing at the dog as she runs like a mad thing, - these are the things that are precious, not the gold and silver, not the cheers of the crowd (although it doesn't go amiss) but the small droplets of sparkles from everyday squeezing it in..

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