Friday, 23 December 2011

the rhythm of baking..

mmmm so its nearly nearly christmas day... the anticipation is making the kids effervescent..little bubbles of sunshine keep bouncing off them. !
Was up at 6.30 am making fresh cookies to replace the 4 dozen we accidently ate already ..or gave away..however by now at 10.30pm..have given most of that 6 dozen away too...mmmm cookies... I ate a few..and so did the family..and we're all filled with christmas from the inside out!

Much to my amazement  I received a chuffed smile from my postie, a couple of bags of chaff,(wow) a bag with home grown sausages and bacon, a mystery gift from a friend who now has a bag of delicious shortbread to offer her guests, and a beef roast also home  - ya had me at the smile :)
This also goes back to the magic of homemade - tastes like butter cos it is.. smells like vanilla cos I dropped those seeds in myself - and the rhythm of creating it gives me peace and tranquility in a hectic season.

My house was filled today with cinnamon and cardamon and orange zest and shortbread smells.. those cookies may have gone but a bit part of my tired worn out self is feeling like its been hugged and nurtured and loved - the act of gifting just comes back tenfold..and I hope they feel the same way .
..thank you wonderful friends for your generous gifts - but thank you most of all for just being you..wonderful - fabulous  - and a really good reason for baking ..xxxx

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

fabulous delicate..magical tree..kirigami style..

find it here.. its really lovley and so is this blog..

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

pre-christmas insanity..or being resourceful and therefore accused of earthmothering tendencies..

... I've notice that when i bake, or sew or do something like craft.. even plant anything ..people toss around the phrase earth mother.. and oddly enough it sounds like an insult, no matter how kindly they mean it..
in my head i see round old lady who talks to her cats and recycles her teabags..and wears one of Those aprons..
 Now.. I may be somewhat rounded, have been known to dig out a pinny - and yes - my cats do chat to me..(mostly about the price of fish or lack of it) but I like a fresh t-bag and some thrash metal on the stereo as much as anyone else..
 I just choose to nuture my family and friends - and myself  - with homemade love.
I'm a terrible house keeper..but today my house smells like fruit cake..and later there'll be gingerbread in there too..and maybe even lemon curd- with cutsy home crafted labels..
These will be handed out to friends and teachers and the other precious folk in my life..with cheerful optimisim and a belief that homemade love is welcomed by all.
As much as i wish to spoil them with dollars and cents, precious time and a bit of effort will tell them I care and they matter to me, without breaking the bank or even glancing off its shiny expensive credit card decorated surface..
So merry christmas precious ones,  from the earth mother ..who may or may not have taste tested the liquor for the chocolates - (to prevent accidental poisoning of the innocent) .. I shall shoulder the slings and arrows of well meant titles and continue to spread glitter in my wake where ever I wander..